


Financial institutions, Indebtedness, Profitability, fintech, Pecking Order


The union of finance and technology gave rise to fintechs, a new business model in the financial sector, characterized by the delivery of 100% digital and remote products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss characteristics of this type of financial institution, such as the factors that are associated with the financing strategies adopted by managers. This study aims to analyze the determinants of the capital structure of credit fintechs operating in the Brazilian market, in light of the Pecking Order theory, based on literature and secondary data sources. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression, using annual information from financial institutions, collected on the website of the Central Bank of Brazil. The sample consists of 1,135 non-bank institutions operating in the credit market, known as credit fintechs, observed from 2018 to 2023. The findings suggest a strong predictive capacity for the Pecking Order theory, regarding the explanation of the capital structure of the companies in the sample. In line with the theory, the positive relationship of asset size, as well as the negative relationship of profitability, are factors that are closely related to the proportion of third-party capital in the entities, confirming the two hypotheses raised. This research contributes by filling the existing gap in the accounting literature regarding fintechs and their capital structure, as well as contributing in a practical way to the decision-making of stakeholders in this new type of business.


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How to Cite

Santa Rosa Guimarães, K., & Rios Sena, T. (2024). DETERMINANTS OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF BRAZILIAN CREDIT FINTECHS: AN ANALYSIS THROUGH PECKING ORDER THEORY. Revista Mineira De Contabilidade, 25(2), 8–19.



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