Quality of earnings, Investment funds, Pension funds, AccrualsAbstract
The study analyzes whether having investment or pension funds among the largest shareholders impacts the earnings quality of companies listed on the Brazilian stock exchange. The sample consists of a set of 648 observations, with approximately 360 companies. We identified proxies for earnings quality from the literature review and then used two-population tests and estimated regressions via MQO and panel estimators to test the hypotheses. The tests were performed in the statistical software STATA® version 14.0. The results evidenced that companies that have investment funds among the largest shareholders present higher earnings quality. The same could not be observed for companies that have pension funds among their largest shareholders. Brazil is among the ten largest markets in the global investment fund industry. Besides, it is the country with the largest volume of resources in pension funds outside the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD. Thus, it stimulates the investigation of how the equity participation of these funds relates to the quality of earnings of Brazilian companies. Greater understanding of investment and pension funds, which represent relevant participation in the Brazilian capital market. Evidence of reduced discretionary accruals and earnings management indicates better management quality and lower risk for small investors.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francelio Arlindo de Souza Cavalcante, Felipe Storch Damasceno, Edvan Soares de Oliveira

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